Wisdom or Wonder?
I’m just proud to call you friend. Keep up your good works. But always remember, pray not for wisdom, or talent, or power, or prestige, but pray for God to show you his wonder in the here and now, in this moment. In every moment. For that is His Kingdom. In the here and now. Why not make every moment count. Why live in the past? Why live in the future?
We’re living in God’s story, not ours. If you believe you were created by a single cell amoeba, then this won’t resonate with you. But, if you believe you were created by a supreme being, who knows every hair on your head, then isn’t it obvious? Every site your eyes see can conjure up God’s majesty, if you allow it. Even in the darkest scenes.
C’mon, folks, this thing called life is not about us. It’s about Him. We were made to glorify Him. He made us. We didn’t make ourselves. He made us to love, cherish, and adore Him. And Him only. He deserves it.
Nothing says we can’t have fun and joy along the way. He’s certainly no ogre. He’s full of joy, and His Way is love first. If you’re not able to grasp it, please let someone pray for you. If you’d like that, just let me know.
The above photograph was taken just before a book signing tour for the DAVID books. Now, I’m on to writing Christian murder mysteries. But the DAVID books will one day become, hopefully, a collector’s prized possession.
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