David was the only man of whom God said, “He is a man after my own heart.”
What was it about David that God loved so much?
It’s a question we all ask. How could God love a man who is known mostly for his sins of adultery, murder, and deception?
Yes, David sinned. We all sin. But how many of us have the other qualities of David that God loved so much?
In the bible, more was written about and by David bin Jesse than any man or woman. For sure, he lived an event-filled life.
The impetus for the book was a quest to uncover the reason for David’s favor with God. Since the bible records only the major events of his life, my intent is to bridge the gaps in those events with plausible scenes to give the book a novel quality, filling in with “background” to create a more fluid, story-telling picture of his epic life.
God’s word is inerrant, and complete. My prayer is that these so-called “bridges” are acceptable to God. They are certainly not intended to interfere with God’s Holy Word.
By reading I & II Samuel, I Kings, Chronicles, and Psalms, the reader can easily separate the inspired stories of David from those of my imagination.
The goal was to glorify God. If just one reader can discover how to be the David God loved so much, then God will be pleased. And glorified.
Michael Hicks Thompson
David The Illustrated Novel – Volume 1
128 pages of beautifully illustrated panels (over 400) with dialogue and story of the events and people that surrounded and defined David of the Old Testament from age 15 to 30–the boy-shepherd, the poet, the musician, the anointed, the warrior, the hunted, and the seeker of God’s heart. Includes a pull out map showing David’s escape routes.
Few men in history can compare with David’s charismatic personality and Adonis good looks. Episodes include The Ark, David & Goliath, David’s Ten Thousands, The Ephod, The Hunted, and The Witch of Endor. Won second Best Graphic Novel in 2011 from The Independent Publisher Book Awards.
David The Illustrated Novel – Volume 2
Winner of Best Graphic Novel and Best Interior Design in 2012 from USA Book’s The International Book Awards.
144 pages of beautifully illustrated panels (over 400) of David from age 30 until his death at age 70. Readers will find the two volumes of DAVID–The Illustrated Novel helpful in discovering why God said David was a man after His own heart; and helpful in piecing together the chronological sequence of events in David’s life while connecting some of his Psalms with the major events in his life. This is virtually impossible to do merely by reading the Old Testament stories.
This volume includes these episodes: King David, The Ark Returns, David’s Mighty Men, Bathsheba, Absalom, and Solomon.